Friday, January 18, 2013


Macey seriously has the nose of a bloodhound. This morning in the car, I sneakily got out my chapstick and put it on quickly so she couldn't see from the backseat. As soon as I put it up, she said, "Hmmm...I smell something. Smells like gum. No, no, smells like lip stuff. Mommy, do you have lip stuff? I need some."

Be nice!

After I told Easton he couldn't have any more crackers because he purposely dumped his on the floor, Macey came in the kitchen and said, "Mommy, can you be nice to my brother? He's just a little boy."

Friday, January 11, 2013

Well, Duh...

Macey, from the backseat, "Mommy, will you open this?"

Me: "Ummm...what is it?"

Macey: "A thing that opens."


Not Appropriate Clothes for a Snow Day

When Macey Grows Up...

I asked Macey what she was going to be when she grows up..."Bigger. And old and married."

Wise Words

While watching Easton throw a big fit, Macey said, "Daddy, look at your child."

Does God wear shoes?

Macey asked me what God looked like, and I told her I've never seen Him. Then I asked her what she thought He looked like, and she said, "Umm...He has a circle, then legs and shoes. And probably a belly. Oh, and He wears some pants."

Dance Recital

Me: "Hey, Mace. Next week we get to see your costumes for the recital."
Macey: "Oh, good. I want to be Captain Hook."
Me: "Hmmm...not sure it works that way."