Wednesday, April 24, 2013


Me: Easton, do you have a job?

E: No

Me: Can you buy Cheez-Its?

E: No

Me: Then please stop throwing them to the dogs!

E: Oh. OK.


Me: Easton, I like your jacket. That's cool, man.

E: (somewhat angrily) It's a waincoat! 

Me: Oh, I love your raincoat!

E: (huge smile) Thank you, momma.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Growing Up

Last night, Macey said, "I'm going to grow up soon. Probably tomorrow."

Dinner Conversation...

Me: "Macey, why'd you get put in time out at Grandma's house?"
Macey: "Cause."
Me: "That's not a reason. Why'd you go to time out?"
Macey: (stuffs food in her mouth and starts mumbling)
Me: "Huh?"
Macey: "Sorry. Can't talk with food in my mouth."
Me: "OK, now you're done. Why'd you go to time out?"
Macey: (stuffs more food in her mouth, finishes the bite, then starts coughing)
Macey: "Sorry. Can't talk when I'm coughing."
Me: "Seriously. Time out? Why?"
Macey: "Cause."
This went on for quite a while...